Sunday, January 3, 2010

Stone Cold

Nobody is reading this journal yet, and it's midnight, but I'm making a post anyway. I am a trooper.

When I first saw the movie Prince Caspian, one scene in particular stood out for me, the failed assassination. When Miraz wants to kill Caspian, he doesn't poison his food or have him quietly strangled. He doesn't try anything that might be mistaken for a natural or accidental death. No, Miraz sends roughly one shitload of crossbowmen into Caspian's bedroom at night to surround and brutally perforate his (supposedly) sleeping nephew. In a process that will leave a large number of unmistakably murderous wounds.

That is a man who does not fuck around.

He really didn't leave himself any room for plausible deniability there. No-one's going to believe that an entire unit of his soldiers went rogue and killed the heir to the kingdom for no reason. I can only assume that if any of the other nobles asked what happened to Caspian, Miraz would have the bolt-riddled corpse dragged in and dumped on the floor. Then he would ask if anyone had the balls to say dick to him about it.

It's not the way I'd run a country, but I'm not a horrible murderer with a shitload of crossbowmen. Miraz was playing to his strengths, and I can understand that.

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